Five Apps You’ll Need After An Epic Summer
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The sun is setting, your tan is fading, and the real world is calling once again; we hate to be the bearers of bad news, folks, but summer is just about over.
And while it might mean trading sunblock and daiquiris for schoolbooks and desk-planners, you can still count on filling up your phone with fabulous gadgets to make it easy! Here’s a handful of the handiest apps around, no matter what September has in store!
When you need to be firing on all cylinders, a good bit of shut-eye is massively important. This rather impressive piece of kit monitors your movement and sleep patterns, and even selects the perfect point to wake you up during a period of light sleep – all you need to do is select the window during which you’ll be roused.
It’s just about the most popular meditation app in the world – so if the stress and strain of getting back into the hotseat is taking a toll, this is your only man! It only requires a few minutes a day, and it’s tailored towards those learning for the very first time, meaning there’s no excuse not to download it and give it a go!
Bringing the trusty to-do list into the digital age, this tried and tested number stays abreast of everything from minor chores to massive projects. Fast, clean and dead easy to use, it’s also pretty sharp when it comes to combining with your other tech gear; whether teaming with Echo to have Alexa arrange tasks by voice, to adding things from Slack and Google Calendar. No, it won’t actually do any of your jobs for you – but it’s the next best thing!
Whether it’s a quick dinner solution or planning a week’s worth of packed lunches, this app – which combines recipes, a shopping list app and a whole host of other features – has been compared to the Google of food apps (Foodle?!). What really sets it apart, though, is the fact that it learns your tastes and preferences as you use it; from your favourite flavours to the stuff your kids crave, meal times will be a doddle!
The number one planning app for your much needed breaks away; admittedly it would’ve probably come in a lot handier earlier in the year… Well – there’s always next summer, right?!
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