Who Is This Year’s Rose Of TV?
Television news
Last year, as the eyes of the world descended on Tralee for the annual festival of pomp and pageantry, we asked you to decide who was the bloomin’ loveliest on the box – and the decision was controversial! Mrs. Euphegenia Doubtfire was your choice on that occasion, but who’ll get the nod this time around?
Check out the contenders and make your choice below!
Derry Girls, available now on All4
Any one of the sassy schoolgirls would be fine candidates, but it’s the mouthiest of the lot that really caught our eye. We wouldn’t fancy Daithi O’Sé’s chances in an interview with this one!
The Good Place, available now on Netflix
She’s a self-declared “straight hottie”, so we doubt she’d be worried about hitting the stage – and now that she’s managed to get her values in order, the judges might just be impressed by her virtue!
Tomb Raider, available to rent now on Virgin Movies from €4.99
An adventurous, beautiful and athletic archaeologist – jeez, some people just have all the luck! Granted, it’d take a brave man to escort her for the week!
Atomic Blonde, now showing on Sky Cinema, Virgin TV 301
OK, so she’s basically a deadly killer – but she’s a spy, so she’s probably able to hide that, right?! As long as she does, we’re looking at someone with looks, brains and brawn; who’d bet against her?
Florence Foster-Jenkins, available to rent now on Virgin Movies, from €2.99
Having a special talent is always a big plus – and boy, you don’t hear something like this everyday! Who knows, maybe she could learn to juggle before the big night…
GLOW, available now on Netflix
As long as she can leave any Zoya tendencies to one side, we like this grappling gal’s chances. And even if things don’t work out, suplexing her competition would certainly make for a unique performance to wrap things up!
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