The Hottest Online Games Of The Summer


The quaint days of one-player gaming are long gone – now, online is where it’s at! Open worlds, hundreds of competitors, and users scattered across the four corners of the globe; we’ve come a long way since Pacman and the gang!


Of course, speed matters when you’re gaming online – which is why having Virgin Media’s superfast broadband behind you might help in your quests! And if you’re wondering what you should be playing for the summer, then look no further; these are the hottest titles in town...



Available for PC, Xbox One


It might have taken a few years longer than expected for the latest chapter of this action-adventure to land in our lives – but when we say it was worth it, we mean it! Some of the most enjoyable gameplay around, there’s also enough of a competitive element to get the juices flowing; that’s never more true than in the magnificent multiplayer mode, Wrecking Zone.





Available for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One


Like most things in life, gaming is more exciting if you’re doing it with your mates! That’s why we adore the unique set-up of Apex Legends; requiring you to compete as part of a team of three, it’s an awesome way to partner up with pals to help take down the bad guys. You know what they say – teamwork makes the dream work.





Available for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox


One If there’s one thing we love it’s cracking characters; it’s what TV and film is all about, and games should be no different! That’s why the mighty men and women of Anthem – from the fabulous Faye to the monstrous Monitor – have earned a special place in our hearts, as they bring structure to the scramble.





Available for PC, macOS, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch


With around 250 million players around the globe, there’s little doubting that this is the granddaddy of them all – for the moment, at least! The winning formula is a matter of combining the excitement of a Battle Royale-style shoot-em-up with all sorts of whimsical fun; from trademark dances to EPIC fails, it’s impossible to resist a grin when you fire this one up!





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