Horror movie near misses

Horror Movies

We all enjoy a scare from time to time – but being put off some of our favourite things is no fun! But, as Halloween draws closer, we’ve been thinking of the times that things we love were in the firing line.


In the latest issue of PLAY Magazine, we had a go at gathering a bunch of beloved things that were shown in a very different light – and the movies that nearly did lasting damage! You can find the whole thing right here - and get a flavour below…



Happy Death Day, available to rent now on Virgin Movies from €2.99


Having to look over your shoulder while you blow your candles out is bad enough – but repeating it day after day is especially cruel! There’s no amount of pressies that could make that worthwhile…




Get Out, available to rent now on Virgin Movies from €2.99


Meeting your future parents-in-law is nerve-wracking enough, without Jordan Peele’s dynamic debut to remind us of just how terrifying it could be; suddenly, the single life didn’t look so bad after all!




The Blair Witch Project, available to rent now on Virgin Movies from €2.99


Getting in touch with nature? That’s a lovely way to spend a weekend. Getting in touch with some type of spectral beast in the middle of nowhere? Erm, that sounds a little less enjoyable!



Check out the whole list – and mountains more of the latest and greatest in entertainment – in the new PLAY Magazine right here!