Five Podcasts You Might Have Missed This Summer
Television news
Whether you’ve been fixated on the football, jet-setting off to foreign climes, or simply hitting the beach and working on your tan, you might have missed some of the best new podcasts to land this summer – but we didn’t!
And to celebrate the incredible <a href="">Five For Five offer</a>, which offers unlimited 4G data, calls and texts for just €5 for the first five months, we’ve selected five that are worthy of your attention right now; grab your phone and subscribe to these pronto…
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This Australian podcast actually appeared last summer. So why are we talking about it now? Well, the two words that make every true crime fan sit up and take notice; new evidence! Journalist Rachael Brown – with help from retired homicide detective Rod Iddles – tells an absorbing story with meticulous detail, smart pacing and lashings of audio style, as the horrific (and as yet unsolved) murder case of bookshop owner Maria James is explored in a show to have you hooked.
Check it out here
A series renowned for its TV documentaries has been in the podcast game for a little while, but the latest series signalled a break from the norm; five episodes dedicated to the extraordinary story of disgraced yoga guru Bikram Choudhury. Diving deep into his complicated past – from his mythical rise to the scandal that rocked a global community – is Julia Lowrie Henderson, who succeeds in blending reporting, archival recordings and interviews to tell a story that needs to be heard to be believed.
Check it out here
A South African show that’s already become a mega-hit in its home country, this one is like a science-fiction film in audio form – and, in fact, it might not be that fictitious at all! Drawing on current science, the show is set 200 years from now and tells the story of the world’s first 200 year old man. With a mind-blowing vision of the future, and tons of thought-provoking ideas on what staying younger for longer might mean, it’s one to tune into when you fancy being brought to a different world completely…
Check it out here
If you listen to this show not knowing what to expect, you’ll be aghast at the sounds of the worst agony aunts to walk the face of the earth. Once you know it’s the work of the hilarious Julia Davis and Vicki Pepperdine, however, your worry will turn into tears of laughter. Bitingly satirical and wickedly dirty, it’s the type of show you worry about listening to on public transport, for fears your uncontrollable giggling will earn weird looks from everyone nearby!
Check it out here
Love him or hate him, there’s no avoiding the fact Kanye West is one of the biggest artists around – meaning that his mini-album this summer, along with his collaboration Kid Cudi, is kind of a big deal. So what better way to get to the bottom of it all than a forensic trip through the tunes of this musical maverick, as the hosts dissect the lyrics of each track to deliver the ultimate guide to one of the most ubiquitous celebrities on the planet.
Good things come in threes!
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