Five Burning Questions As The Walking Dead Returns
Television news
They promised ‘all-out war’ – and it looks like we’re getting it! Season Eight of The Walking Dead has already delivered battles, blood – and yes, at least one important bite! – but we’re expecting things to be even more dramatic when it returns this Monday at 9pm on FOX (channel 126). To that end, we’ve got a few questions that we wouldn’t mind the show answering over the coming weeks; from the fate of a long-loved member of the family to where the gang will call home from now on…
Ah Carl, we hardly knew ya… Well, actually, we got to know you very well, and before we came to love you, you were very immature and annoying! The first half of the season finished with young Master Grimes revealing a bite on his torso – meaning amputation ain’t an option – and the clear implication that Rick’s son is not long for this world. Things could get pretty emotional…
Having taken an almighty assault just before the mid-season break, it’s going to be interesting to see what sort of shape the spot the crew calls home is in. Granted, they’ve become altogether nomadic of late anyway – and with the Hilltop becoming something of a second residence, they’re not entirely without solutions – but the walled, heavily fortified town was more than just a place to lay their heads; they won’t want to see it crumble before their eyes.
While we’ve thoroughly enjoyed seeing old-man Grimes in the future, we have enough questions about it to fill a decent quiz book! Is it real, or just a dream? Why is Carl there? Do they have the power to change this future? In truth, it might be a long time before we actually have the answers to all of this, but we’re hoping the next few episodes at least give us a clue!
Since Eugene recorded his rather frank admission, Dwight’s double-crossing has put him in jeopardy; now that another Saviour has seen him, it’s almost definitely up. The wild-card, though, is whether the help he gave Daryl and co. will be enough to earn him the trust and respect he’ll need to join the family; something tells us he might still be useful to keep around…
Look, we’ll admit that we’ve never been the biggest fan of the landfill lot – but at this stage, we’re inclined to think they really are rubbish! They’ve pledged their support to Rick’s militia, but haven’t exactly pulled their weight so far – and now, with the Saviours determined to take down anyone who might be against them, it’s coming to crunch time!
Good things come in threes!
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