Good Cop, Bad Cop – Our Great Guards And Dodgy Deputies!

best on screen good cops bad cops

Whether it’s a murder mystery, a crime thriller, or even a soap opera, there’s a golden rule in television and film; if there’s a camera rolling, there’s bound to be law enforcement nearby! Yes, the long arm seems to be everywhere on the box – though we know from experience that it’s not always a good thing!


We had a go at profiling some of the great on-screen guards – and the decidedly dodgy deputies – from some of our favourite shows and movies in the recent issue of PLAY Magazine; you can read the whole thing right here, but here’s two to get you in the mood!



Quantico, Seasons 1-3 available now on Virgin Box Sets


She might have rubbed a few people up the wrong way, but Priyanka Chopra’s daring deputy is a hero to us – it’s just a pity her bosses didn’t see things the same way!




Dragged Across Concrete, available to rent now on Virgin Movies from €4.99


Some people will do anything to make ends meet, something we can all understand – but switching over to the dark side is a pretty serious infraction in our book!



Read the whole article in PLAY Magazine right here!