Fright Music – The Spookiest Horror Soundtracks
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A good soundtrack can make a movie – just like a bad one can easily break one – and horror flicks are possibly the most susceptible of all. The right music at the right time can put your hairs on end thinking of what’s lurking around the corner; even better, it can lull you into a false sense of security so you never see it coming!
As the most dreadful day of the year creeps into view, we’ve decided to tip our Halloween caps to the most awesome audio in horror; from old classics to modern sensations, these are some of the most spine-chilling sounds in cinema!
(available to rent On Demand from €2.99)
Jerry Goldsmith earned an Oscar for his score, which seamlessly combines classic horror and suspense – think weird and wild violins – with skilful scene-setting. The most impactful element is the consistent presence of Georgian chanting and religious choirs, which are wholly unsettling; the darkness and evil at the film’s core are well and truly brought to life.
(available on Netflix)
Given that it only appeared in 2014, it’s early to start calling this one a classic – but it feels instantly iconic. Composed by Disasterpiece (who might have the greatest name in horror; let’s just forget that his parents christened him Richard Vreeland, yeah?), it traces the fearsome footsteps of John Carpenter et al in producing an accompaniment drawing heavily on sweeping synths – and in a film that isn’t as visually dramatic as many others, it’s a powerful ingredient!
(1, 2 & 3 available to rent for free On Demand)
Wes Craven is widely regarded as the Master of Horror, but even he couldn’t have foreseen the revitalising effect that this film had on the genre. No small amount of credit is due to Marco Beltrami, who brought the series’ quirky subversions and shocks to new heights. He even introduced elements of Ennio Morricone’s approach to westerns, like introducing the sheriff as though he was about to bust through a saloon door. Brilliantly entertaining.
(available to rent On Demand from €2.99)
OK, so it might not be considered an out-and-out horror movie – but those two notes on the tuba alone are nothing short of iconic. The whole thing is a masterpiece, in fact – now ranked as one of the greatest scores of all-time – and that’s in no small part due to the menace and dread the soundtrack evokes. Of course, perhaps the cleverest moment is in foregoing the music altogether late in the movie – but you’ll need to watch to find out just why!
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