50 Shades of Banned!
Movie news
Once E.L. James’ fan-fiction turned novel hit shelves, it stormed to the top of the bestsellers chart without restraint (ahem). Fifty Shades of Grey, and its sequels, became the most talked about novels on the planet – and a big screen adaptation duly followed.

The second installment of the cinematic trilogy, Fifty Shades Darker, has now romped onto our library of movies to rent – it’s available right now for €4.99! – so there’s no better time to Steele our nerves (sorry) and delve into the world of controversy surrounding the series.
It’s little surprise that some sensitive souls – you know, the type who’d flatly refuse to visit Muff or Knobber while on an Irish holiday – weren’t all that chuffed with the success of the books and films.
In fact, before the tale of the steamy relationship between Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele had even hit the screen, the books had already seen censors doing their worst; Brevard County Public Library in Florida ended up a little hot under the collar when they became aware of the risqué texts that had landed on their shelves, and promptly pulled them off.
It was the film, however, that really made an impact, as a host of countries renowned for their religious conservatism – amongst them Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria and the U.A.E. – decided the film shouldn’t be screened. Audiences there, of course, missed out on a sensual, wry and distinctly self-aware film that won acclaim around (most!) of the world.
The second chapter of the story turns things up a notch again, as some unwelcome faces from Christian’s past reappear – with real objections to his new relationship. Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson reprise their roles, rekindling their incendiary on-screen chemistry in a film even more sexy, exciting and absorbing than what came before.
It’s little surprise, though, that the sequel has ruffled a few feathers of its own (those feathers, incidentally, will come in handy for tickling games later!). It mightn’t come as a tremendous shock that cinemas in India once again opted against a film that went down a storm elsewhere; what you might not know is that a cinema in Navan went some way in following suit!
Diamond Cinema warned any “unaccompanied men” that they wouldn’t be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the much-anticipated follow-up, and that even those who’d headed along for a date night had “better keep lots of space between ye”!
There’s absolutely nothing stopping you now though, as Fifty Shades Darker is ready and waiting for you to rent through Virgin Media’s On Demand service. So tonight, why not light some candles, open a bottle of wine – and toast not being in a Navan cinema!
Check out Fifty Shades Darker, and lots more great movies to rent, through Virgin’s On Demand service

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