Five Reasons Why The Greatest Showman Is So, Well, Great!
Movie news
it might not have been the most critically acclaimed movie of the past year, but millions upon millions of satisfied viewers can’t be wrong; The Greatest Showman is already one of the most beloved films in years, and it’s hardly surprising! The madcap musical about circus supremo P.T. Barnum is a fantastic, feel-good film that the entire family can enjoy again and again – below we’ve picked out five reasons why we can’t get enough…
Starting a circus isn’t exactly something they teach in school, so for just about anybody in the real world it’s nothing more than a fantasy. To watch Barnum set about his unlikely venture is a genuine thrill, and you’ll be rooting for him every step of the way! The journey’s not without its twists and turns – including sourcing a pretty important business partner – but the whole adventure is one you’ll be glad you went on!
Whether it’s the fairytale love story of Barnum and his wife, the blossoming romance between Carlyle and Anne, the battle for Lettie, Tom and the rest of the gang to gain acceptance, or the whole gang’s effort to make a mark on the wider world, there’s a surprising amount going on. It’s not packed to the brim with social commentary, we’ll grant you, but there are some worthwhile tidbits throughout – and certainly far more than a straightforward story about a man starting a circus!
Hugh Jackman is one of those slightly annoying people who seems to be great at everything; singing, dancing, being handsome, how does he nail them all? Of course, Zac Efron gives him a run for his money on all those counts, and that’s without even mentioning the superb support from Rebecca Ferguson, Michelle Williams, Paul Sparks and more.
Whether it’s the film’s big breakout hit, ‘This Is Me’, or any of the array of tracks that we’ve been humming non-stop for months, there are magical melodies thrown at you from all angles here! With experienced singers like Keala Settle and Zendaya that’s hardly a shock, but the likes of Jackman, Efron and co. attack their vocals with plenty of vim and vigour too. We’ll even overlook the fact that Rebecca Ferguson mimes…
Look, there’s plenty of thought-provoking films out there – but what about when you just want to kick back and relax?! Well, that’s what The Greatest Showman is for! It really is difficult to think of any film which will breeze by as pleasantly, and leave you feeling as warm and fuzzy inside by the time it’s done. If you hate fun, it’s not for you – but if a good time sounds good, then step right up!
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